The Rolling Stones- Mick and Keith forever

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got that. and they are all about FREEEEE

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Great save! Like a home run! My divorce saved me and bob dylan!

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oh yeah. Dylan great too. I think I was not deep enough for Dylan then. hahaha. Glad he got you to BOLT

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Love your story and know what you mean. I had an entanglement in my mid teens that I had difficulty getting out of, I eventually managed. Fortunately my parents watched and kept silent and I didn't know until years later how worried they were . The difference is they were worried I might get married. Maybe that is how my view of the world is different and I don't feel the need to be liberated and am able to chose someone on how I think they will be able to do a job not whether they are a woman or black or white ..

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I understand what you are saying. But I am excited that we are having a woman WITH her accomplishments. In fact, I so look foward to the day when we can say - a person - not a woman, not a black person. Just a human being. But we are not there yet. Hugs to you.

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My sister was a huge Who freak and we had a giant poster of bare chested Roger in our basement. We also had a new housekeeper who was quite religious and took the liberty of writing “needs Christ in his soul” in black marker all over it. Needless to say, she had her “freedom” that very day. Ha. A memory I will never forget. Great post.

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love that story. he was so hot. still is.

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Damn right, sister. I love the parallel between your break from patriarchal norms and our collective break from them today. Well done!

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